Dealing with Insurance Adjusters:
The Do’s and Don’ts
After a car accident, you may be in shock, dealing with injuries, and wondering how it all happened. Your first priority should be taking care of your injuries and paying attention to your health. But soon, you may hear from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. You need to be prepared for that conversation.
I want you to know the dos and don’ts of dealing with insurance adjusters so that you can receive the compensation you deserve for your accident. I have spent over 20 years helping individuals and families in Oklahoma fight for their rights. My firm, Wilson Law Firm PLLC, is proud to represent clients in Shawnee, Chandler, Norma, Okemah, Ada, and the rest of Oklahoma.
The Insurance Adjuster’s Role
The role of the insurance adjuster is to protect the insurance company’s bottom line. They want to offer you as little money as possible—which most likely won’t cover all of your bills from the accident—because that saves them money. They also want to offer a settlement amount to you quickly because that saves the company time spent on your case.
Remember: while insurance adjusters may be friendly and encouraging on the phone, their job is to protect the insurance company’s profits. They do that by offering you a settlement amount that’s less than what you deserve.
Requests for A Statement
The insurance adjuster may request that you give a statement. Make sure that you write down the adjuster’s name, phone number, and business address. Before you respond to the request for a statement, here’s what you should know.
Why You Should Refuse
There are three key reasons why you should refuse to give your insurance adjuster a statement. First, they can use your statement against you. Second, they can take what you said and present it in a way that reduces your compensation. Third, once you give a statement, the insurance adjuster can use what you said to come up with contradictory questions that can create inconsistencies.
What to Say if You Agree
If you do agree to give your statement to an insurance adjuster, make sure that you protect yourself. Do not agree to have your statement recorded. You are not under any legal obligation to do so, and having your statement recorded will not necessarily protect you later.
Don’t answer questions that you don’t know the answers to. Similarly, don’t volunteer any additional information. Stick to answering the questions they ask and keep your answers brief.
Most importantly, don’t admit that you are guilty and don’t sign anything before it’s been reviewed by a personal injury attorney.
What Information Will
They Ask Me to Provide?
The insurance adjuster may ask you many questions about how the accident happened and your injuries. Do not answer these questions.
All you need to tell the adjuster is your name, address, and phone number. You can choose to share what your job is and where you work as well. But beyond these basic facts, do not tell the insurance adjuster any details.
Remember, at this point, you probably don’t know the answers to the questions that the insurance adjuster will ask. For example, you won’t know what the total of your final medical bills is going to be so soon after the accident.
If the adjuster asks about your injuries, do not give any details. Simply tell them that you are still receiving treatment. Again, at this point, you may not know the extent of your injuries, and you do not know what your final medical bills will total up to. You do not need to give the adjuster any details.
How Wilson Law Firm Can Help
When an insurance adjuster calls you, know what you’re going to say. Wilson Law Firm PLLC can handle the call. Remember, no good ever comes of speaking with an insurance adjuster before you consult with a lawyer. A skilled attorney can make sure that an adequate investigation happens and can deal with the insurance adjuster on your behalf.
Personal Injury Attorney
in Shawnee, Oklahoma
An experienced personal injury attorney can help you file a car accident claim and make sure that your rights are protected during conversations with an insurance adjuster. For over two decades, I have worked in the Oklahoma legal system to protect my clients’ rights. Your story matters to me. Wilson Law Firm PLLC is proud to represent clients in Shawnee, Chandler, Norman, Okemah, and Ada, Oklahoma. Contact me today to schedule a consultation.